(Bryn Mawr, PA)
- Bryn Mawr College
- 2021
- Completed over 22,500 SY of milling and overlay paving work across campus, including over 3,900 LF of asphalt pathways.
Site Aerial Video:https://vimeo.com/631307396
Site work includes excavation, grading, road work, water main, sanitary, and meter pits.
Substantial haul off of unsuitables and replacement. All site work included unclassified excavation, storm sewer, footing excavations, backfield, water & sewer and paving.
From the beginning, completed large portion of lots (over 80% of the 600+ homes), work also included walking trails, basin conversion and retrofit work.
“Storm tank” module installation prep and install large “storm tank” precast concrete vessels for storm water retention.
Work included demolition, excavation, relocating barn, renovations, storm sewer and retentions and “red stone” top paving.
All lot work included excavation, grading, water & sewer laterals, meter pits.